Knowledge library

Knowledge library

This knowledge library is managed by UNICEF and shares important resources, experiences and good practices related to children’s environmental health that have been determined important for global audiences.

Only partners of the Collaborative are invited to submit resources they've created related to children's environmental health.  Once your submission is approved, we will upload the information. Please follow this criteria for submissions:

  • Relevance: The content is relevant to a global audience committed to improving children’s environmental health.
  • Timeliness: The information is current and was published no more than 15 years ago.  
  • Quality: The information is reliable, is based on evidence, has citations and is well organized.

Partners of the collaborative are also invited to feature their events. Please follow the criteria above for submissions of your events, and email them to

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Displaying 169 - 180 results of 215
Website page
Learning resources

Air pollution and health: an introduction for health workers

A young girl sits on broken wall inside an informal glue factory where workers process waste leathers to make glue in Hazaribagh area near Buriganga river in Dhaka. Most industries based in urban area in Bangladesh pollute environment but leather tanneries probably do the worst damage. Hazaribagh, Dhaka?s biggest leather processing industrial zone, is right in the middle of one of the most densely populated residential area.
Advocacy asset

Childhood air pollution exposure key messages

Renewable energy - windmills on water
Learning resources

Can renewable energy sources power the world?

Newsletter 3

CEHC Newsletter: Climate change is changing children

cover of newsletter
Advocacy asset

Youth ideas for resilient communities after the 2016 Horse River wildfire disaster

CEHC Newsletter #2 cover

CEHC Newsletter: Air pollution is the #1 children's environmental health risk

CEHC Newsletter #1 cover

CEHC Newsletter: Hundreds of millions of children are poisoned by lead

Mother holding baby

Lead Poisoning in Children in Indonesia


How climate change impacted Aisha's childhood

HEI air pollution video

Cleaner Air, Healthier Children

Profile of 8-year-old Anik from Bangladesh

Lead pollution is poisoning children in Bangladesh

Mohammad Fahim breaks down e-waste without wearing protection

Lead poisoning in Bangladesh