Knowledge library

Knowledge library

This knowledge library is managed by UNICEF and shares important resources, experiences and good practices related to children’s environmental health that have been determined important for global audiences.

Only partners of the Collaborative are invited to submit resources they've created related to children's environmental health.  Once your submission is approved, we will upload the information. Please follow this criteria for submissions:

  • Relevance: The content is relevant to a global audience committed to improving children’s environmental health.
  • Timeliness: The information is current and was published no more than 15 years ago.  
  • Quality: The information is reliable, is based on evidence, has citations and is well organized.

Partners of the collaborative are also invited to feature their events. Please follow the criteria above for submissions of your events, and email them to

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Displaying 97 - 108 results of 238
Website page
Advocacy asset

Lead poisoning fact sheet

Declaration of the Seventh Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health: Budapest, Hungary 5–7 July 2023
Advocacy asset

Declaration of the Seventh Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health: Budapest, Hungary 5–7 July 2023

InforMEA learning
Learning resources

United Nations Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements

Cover of report

The use of innovative tools and approaches to engage children and young people as agents of change on air pollution

Cover page
Learning resources

Particle pollution and your patients' health

First page of published article

The impact of extreme heat exposure on pregnant people and neonates: a state of the science review

Over the tipping point

Over the tipping point

young children at the heart of climate actions and environmental protection
Case study

Most vulnerable to most valuable: a scoping study to put young children at the heart of climate actions and environmental protection

Person smelting lead

Reducing childhood lead poisoning in Indonesia


UNICEF Healthy Environments for Children Youtube Playlist

Cover Design for Report

Extreme heat: preparing for the heatwaves of the future

Cover page

Air pollution threatens the health of children globally