Water and sanitation for health facility improvement tool (WASH FIT) webinar

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WASH FIT is a risk-based management tool for health care facilities, covering key aspects of WASH services: water; sanitation, hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, health care waste management, and selected aspects of energy, building and facility management.

WHO and UNICEF will be hosting this webinar as part of a technical series on WASH, waste and energy in health care facilities. The purpose of this webinar is to share insights on WASH FIT implementation in different contexts and countries and discuss challenges and solutions to overcome key barriers to scale-up. In particular, countries will highlight how WASH FIT has helped further climate goals, and been used to cost and resource additional investments and processes by which the tool can be adopted nationally.





2023-11-21T19:56:00 - 2023-11-21T20:56:00