Children face unique vulnerabilities to environmental hazards at every stage of life: Fragile Beginnings

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Advocacy asset
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Children today face a new set of challenges that were unimaginable just a generation ago. Across the world, climate change and environmental degradation are threatening child survival, health and well-being. Given children’s unique metabolism, physiology and developmental needs, no group is more vulnerable to environmental harm. Exposure can impact children early and have a lifelong effect.

The Fragile Beginnings series examines the growing body of research on the unique vulnerabilities of children: in utero and at birth, during infancy and childhood and throughout adolescence. Its purpose is to enable evidence-based advocacy and action on children’s environmental health.

The series is comprised of three briefs, which are also available individually: 

  1. Pregnant women and the developing fetuses’ unique vulnerabilities to environmental hazards
  2. Children’s unique vulnerabilities to environmental hazards
  3. Adolescents’ unique vulnerabilities to environmental hazards

Each brief is divided into three parts (a) key messages,(b) examples of environmental hazards affecting children, and (c) a technical summary based on a review of the scientific literature.