Knowledge library

Knowledge library

This knowledge library is managed by UNICEF and shares important resources, experiences and good practices related to children’s environmental health that have been determined important for global audiences.

Only partners of the Collaborative are invited to submit resources they've created related to children's environmental health.  Once your submission is approved, we will upload the information. Please follow this criteria for submissions:

  • Relevance: The content is relevant to a global audience committed to improving children’s environmental health.
  • Timeliness: The information is current and was published no more than 15 years ago.  
  • Quality: The information is reliable, is based on evidence, has citations and is well organized.

Partners of the collaborative are also invited to feature their events. Please follow the criteria above for submissions of your events, and email them to

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Displaying 121 - 132 results of 238
cover of report

A Guidance Manual for Policymakers and Regulators for the Environmentally Sound Management of Waste or Used Lead Acid Batteries in Africa

Report cover

Global analysis of health care waste in the context of COVID-19

Cover page

The global health cost of PM2.5 air pollution: a case for action beyond 2021

A young girl sits on broken wall inside an informal glue factory where workers process waste leathers to make glue in Hazaribagh area near Buriganga river in Dhaka. Most industries based in urban area in Bangladesh pollute environment but leather tanneries probably do the worst damage. Hazaribagh, Dhaka?s biggest leather processing industrial zone, is right in the middle of one of the most densely populated residential area.
Advocacy asset

Childhood air pollution exposure key messages

Cover Design for Report

Informing decision-making about indoor heat risks to human health

Cover page

Places and Spaces: Environments and children's well-being

Cover page

Recycling of Used Lead-Acid Batteries: Guidelines for Appraisal of Environmental Health Impacts

Website page

Healthy environments create healthy children

First page of scoping review

Effective Community-based Interventions for the Prevention and Management of Heat-related Illnesses: A Scoping Review

Cover page

You have the power to end lead poisoning

Cover page

How governments can put lead to bed

Cover page
Learning resources

Toolkit for establishing laws to eliminate lead paint