Addressing lead pollution in Senegal: Insights from research and community engagement

Social health workers Marie Astou Ndiaye and Nfeye Sarata Ndiaye, and UNICEF staff members, on door-to-door household visits to speak with parents and caregivers about polio, and vaccinate their children during a polio vaccination campaign on 18 December 2021.

Researchers and experts will share findings and insights from the recent Blood Lead Level (BLL) Study in Senegal, discuss ongoing efforts and challenges in addressing lead pollution, and highlight the collaborative work of key stakeholders in mitigating the health impacts of lead exposure, especially in children.

February 15, 2024

9:00 EST / 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET

Moderated by Lucile Okio, Senior Programme Manager, Global Alliance on Health and Pollution


  • Jack Caravanos, School of Global Public Health, New York University
  • Asane Diop, Head of the Pollution and Nuisance Prevention and Control Division, Ministry of Environment in Senegal
  • Madaou Fall, Director of the Anti-Poison Center, Ministry of Health in Senegal
  • Mounganga Boulingui, Project Coordinator Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Enivronment in Senegal



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